Tag: winter

Herp Update: Fundraising, activity (herp and human), events – January 10, 2024

I hope you all survived our storm without too much damage. We have power and only small branches down here in Salisbury, but other Herp Atlas staff are without power, phone, or wifi at their homes. Update on Our Annual

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Herp Update: Recent Herp Activity – December 29, 2023

There is still some limited and unprecedented herptile activity taking place. Keep your eyes open during this unusually warm and wet weather. Recent Herp Activity Amphibians (and some reptiles) still on the move While working on our Middlebury Christmas Bird

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Herp Update: Amphibians moving, December reptiles – December 11, 2023

Folks, as a result of the number of people who have requested to receive our Herp Updates, we moved to a new format using Mailchimp. Please do forward this e-mail to anyone you think would be interested. They can subscribe

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Herp Update: Amphibians moving, Winter reports, Annual report – November 18, 2023

Recent Herp Activity Amphibians still on the move With temperatures above 50 F and rains that started around 6 PM, I headed out to Morgan Road here in Salisbury last night before going to bed. In one pass through the

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Herp Update: Current Herp Activity, Fundraiser, Eastern Musk Turtle – January 28, 2023

Current Herp Activity Now that more seasonal weather has finally arrived, reports have slowed to a trickle.  Just last week though we did have a report of a Common Gartersnake moving (slowly) underwater in a small stream.  We have received three winter

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Herp Update: DeKay’s and Donations — January 13, 2022

DeKay's Brownsnake on bare ground with a few dried autumn leaves. Photo by Susan Johnson and used with permission.

Current Herp Activity Herpers, although I have not been out at night checking myself, I am not receiving any reports of amphibians moving above ground during these recent rains.  At my house this morning it is raining, has been for

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Holiday Herp Update: Current Herp Activity, Fundraiser — December 25, 2022

Current Herp Activity Herpers, hopefully the above ground herp activity has ceased until the next warm and wet spell.  Though only two days ago on December 23, herper (and birder) Sue Wetmore reported hearing a calling Northern Leopard Frog when

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Groundwater, Ice, and Herp Survival – January 28, 2022

Great Blue Heron preying on Green Frog tadpole at an icy pond. Photo © copyright Rich Armitage and used with permission.

Groundwater helps keep herps alive in the winter Herpers, I could not wait until next week to show you this great photo sent to me by wildlife photographer Rick Armitage. Rick lives in Whitehall, NY, but has sent quite a

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Herp Update, January 18, 2021

Herpers, surprisingly I have received reports of two Wood Turtles, one Spotted Salamander and one Gray Treefrog in the last two weeks.  The Spotted Salamander was reported by Kristine G in Burlington.  She sent a video that showed the poor

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Herp Update: first report of 2021

Herpers, our first herp report of the year came in on January 1st from Kiley Briggs and Melanie L who checked in on an overwintering site for Wood Turtles.  He sent a video that showed two or three turtles underneath

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