Tag: snakes

Herp Update: Fall Amphibian Migration, Snakes on the Move, Urban Herping, Fiscal Sponsor – October 16, 2024

Recent Herp Activity Fall Amphibian Migration Although spring amphibian migrations get the most attention, fall uphill migrations on warm rainy nights can also be quite substantial. Some amphibians that move to wetlands in the spring, move back uphill to feed

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Herp Update: Snapping Turtles emerging, Unusual Colorations, Snakes Migrating – September 11, 2024

Recent Herp Activity Snapping Turtles are hatching We have received a number of reports recently from landowners who have young Snapping Turtles emerging from underground nests in their lawns and gardens. The photo of the fourteen baby snappers below was

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Herp Update: Recent Herp Activity – August 27, 2024

a small green frog perches on a yellow flower with a black center

Recent Herp Activity Isolated Reports This week Ethan Bodin sent us the first ever report and photo of a Blue-spotted Salamander (or related hybrid) from Chittenden.  Blue-spotteds are fairly common in the Lake Champlain Basin 1000 ft. lower and two

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Herp Update: Green Frog Eggs, Spotted Turtle, Website, Upcoming Presentation – July 14, 2024

Recent Herp Activity People are now reporting sightings of Green Frog eggs.  Green Frogs deposit a film of eggs on the surface of the water (see photos below).  Since they deposit their eggs so late in the season, the water

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Herp Update: Metamorphs, First Racer since 2014, Spiny Softshells in Winooski River Delta, Turtles Nesting – June 18, 2024

Recent Herp Activity On a June 11 field trip to Sunderland; Kiley Briggs, Kate Kelly, and I found our first young-of-the-year Wood Frogs. Chris Slesar reported young-of-the-year American Toads in West Haven on June 9. These youngsters were fresh eggs

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Herp Update: Recent Herp and Human Activity – January 22, 2024

Annual Fundraiser As I hope you know, we are in middle of our annual fundraiser.  We have now raised $8,358 of our goal of $20,000 for this year.  Our thanks to the 81 people who have contributed so far.  If

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Herp Update: Fundraising, activity (herp and human), events – January 10, 2024

I hope you all survived our storm without too much damage. We have power and only small branches down here in Salisbury, but other Herp Atlas staff are without power, phone, or wifi at their homes. Update on Our Annual

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Herp Update: New Format & Recent Sightings – October 27, 2023

New Format and Recent Sightings Folks, as a result of the number of people who have requested to receive our Herp Updates, we have moved to a new format using Mailchimp. For friends and family to subscribe: visit vtherpatlas.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=63c5df7985d413f2ea204e690&id=c48959eb4b&e=f3cfc2a496 There

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Herp Update: Amphibians on the move & Fall Calls, Snake Monitoring Video, Non-native Species – October 17, 2023

Recent and Upcoming Herp Activity Amphibians still on the move After my wife mentioned that an Eastern Red-backed Salamander had found its way into her studio yesterday evening, I decided I should run over to our local amphibian crossing hotspot

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Herp Update: Amphibians & Snakes on the Move, Annual Report – October 11, 2023

Recent and Upcoming Herp Activity Amphibians still on the move During last Saturday night’s rain, my wife Kris and I headed out to our local amphibian crossing (Morgan Road) for a quick look at amphibians coming out of the Leicester

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