Tag: fundraiser

Herp Update: Amphibian Migration Interrupted, Fundraising Goal Reached, Upcoming Events

Amphibian Migration Interrupted Herpers, after our first major amphibian migration of the year two weeks ago, conditions have not been great to get out and see or help with amphibian migrations.  Here in the Lake Champlain Basin we had appropriate

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Herp Update: Amphibian Migration Begins, Annual Fundraiser – March 7, 2024

Amphibian Migration Begins Herpers, Kate Kelly here, filling in for Jim Andrews.  With the warm rains on Wednesday of last week, there was some sparse amphibian movement (just a handful of Wood Frogs and a Northern Leopard Frog).  But, two

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Herp Update: Possible Upcoming Herp Activity, Annual Fundraiser – February 26, 2024

Possible Upcoming Herp Activity Watching this Wednesday night Herpers, my wife and I have traditionally taken our vacation in late February and returned before the first amphibian migration.  It looks like amphibians might be on the move this week while

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Herp Update: Recent Herp Activity, Fundraiser, Presentations – February 11, 2024

Recent Herp Activity A few amphibians on the move Last night with Snow Drops blooming in our front yard (see Kris Andrews photo below) temperatures at 41 F, and roads wet and muddy here in Salisbury, I headed out to

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Herp Update: Recent Herp and Human Activity – January 22, 2024

Annual Fundraiser As I hope you know, we are in middle of our annual fundraiser.  We have now raised $8,358 of our goal of $20,000 for this year.  Our thanks to the 81 people who have contributed so far.  If

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Herp Update: Fundraising, activity (herp and human), events – January 10, 2024

I hope you all survived our storm without too much damage. We have power and only small branches down here in Salisbury, but other Herp Atlas staff are without power, phone, or wifi at their homes. Update on Our Annual

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2024 Fundraiser

2024 Fundraiser Five years ago we organized our first fundraiser. It was motivated by a decline in our regular grant funding, a pressing need to get all our data digitized for future use, and to assign accurate latitude and longitude

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Herp Update: Spiny softshells, Concert – September 19, 2023

Recent Herp Activity : Turtles Now that the water is starting to cool down, turtles will be basking more to raise their body temperatures to optimal levels for growth, digestion, healing, and all other bodily functions. We recently received some

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Fundraising Concert with David Fuerzig: Saturday, September 23 at 7 PM

Dekay's Brownsnake held gently in fingers of a human hand.

Herp Update: Special Edition Upcoming Fuerzig Fundraising Concert Saturday, September 23 at 7 PM here in Salisbury Folks, UVM pianist David Feurzig is on a mission to give free concerts in all the towns in Vermont.   Through those concerts

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Herp Update: Current Herp Activity, Folding Pocket Guide, Changes in our Team, End of Annual Fundraiser – March 10, 2023

Current Herp Activity Thankfully, since our last update, cooler temperatures and snows returned, keeping our amphibians in the ground where they belonged.  As a result, I have not received any reports of amphibians moving or calling above ground.  We did

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