Fundraising Concert with David Fuerzig: Saturday, September 23 at 7 PM
Herp Update: Special Edition
Upcoming Fuerzig Fundraising Concert
Saturday, September 23 at 7 PM here in Salisbury
Folks, UVM pianist David Feurzig is on a mission to give free concerts in all the towns in Vermont. Through those concerts he also hopes to benefit local conservation projects. He contacted us here in Salisbury and asked about giving one of his concerts at our local church/meeting house. So, we are pleased to have David giving a concert here in Salisbury next Saturday, September 23rd at 7 PM. David will play music in a wide variety of genres and he is reported to be very entertaining with great audience rapport. He also likes to give a local talent the opportunity to join him for one selection. So, Middlebury High School student Sophia Boise will join David on one piece.
Kate Kelly and I will be there to meet you and sell our swag (hats, amphibian guides, posters, bumper stickers, and refrigerator magnets) and we will have Herp Atlas donation jars scatterred around; however, you are under no obligation to buy any swag or give us a donation. You can just come and enjoy the concert. I have attached some additional info. I hope you can join us.
Recent Herp Activity : Snakes
We found another DeKay’s Brownsnake at our monitoring site in Lincoln this morning in addition to 29 baby Common Gartersnakes, one adult Common Gartersnake, and one very pretty adult Eastern Milksnake.
The DeKay’s Brownsnakes have only recently moved into our monitoring area. They are primarily a Lake Champlain Basin species and we usually don’t find them in mountain towns.
The number of this-year’s young Common Gartersnakes is also unusual. They had great reproductive success this year at our monitoring site.