When the Animal Needs Help

If you find a sick or injured turtle, snake, frog, salamander, or lizard, it is important to contact your local state game warden directly or through your local State Police dispatch. If you cannot reach a game warden, you can contact a licensed Vermont rehabilitator. Click the image below to download rehabilitator contact info as a PDF; please note that only a few rehabilitators accept reptiles and amphibians.

If you find an injured turtle, the links below will help you determine what to do (and not to do) while you reach out to a wildlife rehabilitator. First steps, including moving the turtle out of harm’s way can be found at this page.  If you need advice on how to transport an injured turtle to a rehabber, this page has some good tips. (The information on these pages is from a group out of Massachusetts; your first step should still be to reach out to your game warden or a licensed Vermont rehabilitator as described above.)

Preview image of a list of Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitators. The text is too blurry to read; the PDF linked will be more readable.

You can contact Vermont Fish and Wildlife at (802) 828-1000 or fwinformation@vermont.gov.

For more information about other species of injured or orphaned wildlife, visit the Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s web page.