Tag: amphibians

Herp Update: Fall Amphibian Migration, Snakes on the Move, Urban Herping, Fiscal Sponsor – October 16, 2024

Recent Herp Activity Fall Amphibian Migration Although spring amphibian migrations get the most attention, fall uphill migrations on warm rainy nights can also be quite substantial. Some amphibians that move to wetlands in the spring, move back uphill to feed

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Herp Update: Recent Herp Activity – August 27, 2024

a small green frog perches on a yellow flower with a black center

Recent Herp Activity Isolated Reports This week Ethan Bodin sent us the first ever report and photo of a Blue-spotted Salamander (or related hybrid) from Chittenden.  Blue-spotteds are fairly common in the Lake Champlain Basin 1000 ft. lower and two

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Herp Update: Current Herptile Activity, Pittsfield, Priority Towns, Fiscal Sponsor, Upcoming Events – July 25, 2024

Current Herptile Activity Only three amphibians are still calling from their breeding ponds. They are American Bullfrogs, Green Frogs, and Mink Frogs. Gray Treefrogs may call occasionally, but they are calling from trees, bushes, porches, decks, and house plants; not

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Herp Update: Metamorphs, First Racer since 2014, Spiny Softshells in Winooski River Delta, Turtles Nesting – June 18, 2024

Recent Herp Activity On a June 11 field trip to Sunderland; Kiley Briggs, Kate Kelly, and I found our first young-of-the-year Wood Frogs. Chris Slesar reported young-of-the-year American Toads in West Haven on June 9. These youngsters were fresh eggs

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Herp Update: Amphibian Migration Last Night and Expected Tomorrow – April 11, 2024

Lots of Herp Activity Amphibian Migration Last Night Reports of amphibians on the move are pouring in.  Most of them are from last night and they come from as far north as Cabot and as far south as Putney.  Most

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Herp Update: Amphibian Migration, Vernal Pools – April 3, 2024

Herp Activity Amphibian Migration Continues in Fits and Starts Herpers, since our first significant amphibian migration almost one month ago on March 5, winter has returned and left a couple times.  I don’t think that the temperatures ever got cold

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Herp Update: Amphibian Migration May Occur Tonight, Upcoming Events – March 27, 2024

Herp Activity Amphibian Migration May Occur Tonight Herpers, this is a quick note to say that there may well be amphibians moving tonight in the  warmer, lower-elevation crossing areas such as those in the Lake Champlain Basin.  Here in Salisbury

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Herp Update: Amphibian Migration Interrupted, Fundraising Goal Reached, Upcoming Events

Amphibian Migration Interrupted Herpers, after our first major amphibian migration of the year two weeks ago, conditions have not been great to get out and see or help with amphibian migrations.  Here in the Lake Champlain Basin we had appropriate

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Herp Update: Amphibian Migration Begins, Annual Fundraiser – March 7, 2024

Amphibian Migration Begins Herpers, Kate Kelly here, filling in for Jim Andrews.  With the warm rains on Wednesday of last week, there was some sparse amphibian movement (just a handful of Wood Frogs and a Northern Leopard Frog).  But, two

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Herp Update: Possible Upcoming Herp Activity, Annual Fundraiser – February 26, 2024

Possible Upcoming Herp Activity Watching this Wednesday night Herpers, my wife and I have traditionally taken our vacation in late February and returned before the first amphibian migration.  It looks like amphibians might be on the move this week while

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