Tag: frog

Herp Update: Treefrogs, thanks to Intern – August 30, 2023

Current Herp Activity : Gray Treefrogs At this time of year we receive many reports of little emerald green frogs that are climbing on plants and homes near ponds and other wetlands.   Many people have a hard time identifying

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Herp Update: amphibian and snake activity – October 21, 2021

Amphibian Activity Reports continue to come in reporting fall uphill migration of amphibians. Although I focused on the fall migrations of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders, Blue-spotted Salamanders, and Four-toed Salamanders in one of my previous Herp Updates, the reports include uphill

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Herp Update: salamander in snow, overwintering treefrog, NBNC Amphibian Road Crossing Program

Herpers, we have had a couple more reports of Spotted Salamanders moving over the snow.  As I mentioned before, this is usually the result of some sort of disturbance by a fox, coyote, turkey, deer, human, etc.  In a photo

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Herp Update

Herpers, with temperatures in the 50’s last night and after an afternoon of rain, once again conditions looked perfect for amphibian migration last night.  Thankfully, most of the amphibians appear to have found their overwintering locations by now.  I went

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Herp Update & Upcoming Gus Speth Presentation

Herpers, last weekend with the temperatures soaring to 70 F, a variety of reptiles and amphibians were active that are not usually active at this time of year. Late Fall Herp Activity I received reports of Northern Map Turtles and

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Amphibians still moving in the valley

Herpers, one of the big advantages of the recent time change is that you can get out and do a nighttime road search before dinner :). I have not heard from anyone else who got out last night, but I

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Herp Update

Herpers, there was lots of amphibian movement last night during the rains. Where I was along Route 100 in Granville, the rains did not come through until after 11 PM making for a late night. Still, the team I was

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Current Herp Activity & Videos

a note from Jim Herpers, with this warm weather American Toads, American Bullfrogs, and Gray Treefrogs are all starting to chorus. This Friday night’s rains should generate movement of all three of these frogs. It may also generate some movement

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Vernal Pool Video by K. Briggs

Kiley Briggs of the Orianne Society put together an excellent video on vernal pools.  It is roughly 30 minutes long and covers vernal pools, amphibians that use them, egg-mass ID, and a few invertebrates that use vernal pools.  It is

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to the Herpers: Spring Amphibian Update

a note from Jim Herpers, the warm weather of last weekend generated scores of reptile and amphibian reports. At our monitoring site in Lincoln (1,400 ft. in elevation in central Vermont), Wood Frog egg masses are mostly old and many

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