Tag: roadkill

Herp Update: Fall Amphibian Migration, Snakes on the Move, Urban Herping, Fiscal Sponsor – October 16, 2024

Recent Herp Activity Fall Amphibian Migration Although spring amphibian migrations get the most attention, fall uphill migrations on warm rainy nights can also be quite substantial. Some amphibians that move to wetlands in the spring, move back uphill to feed

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Herp Update: first report of 2021

Herpers, our first herp report of the year came in on January 1st from Kiley Briggs and Melanie L who checked in on an overwintering site for Wood Turtles.  He sent a video that showed two or three turtles underneath

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Vt Herp News: roadkilled snakes

Herpers, once the warmer temperatures returned after those first frosts, thousands of snakes had warmed up enough to be on the move. If you have not been out yet, this weekend should be good. Prepare yourself though, many of the

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Snakes on the move, a great opportunity

Herpers, these first frosty nights of the fall will motivate snakes to head back to their dens. The first warm sunny afternoon after a frost is one of the easiest times to find snakes. The frosty night is the signal

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In the News: May 2020

A brief round up of this month’s news and mentions of the Atlas: May 18: “F&W: Turtles on the Roadway Need Your Help” from Saint Albans Messenger at https://www.samessenger.com/news/f-w-turtles-on-the-roadway-need-your-help/article_6f8ba722-9906-11ea-a519-13455e108690.html “When you spot a turtle in the road, you may be

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to the Herpers: Amphibians on the move last night

Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum, Essex, April 26, 2020, copyright (c) Larry Clarfeld and used by permission)

a note from Jim: Herpers, conditions were good for amphibian migration in the Lake Champlain Basin and at least one central Vermont town last night. Cindy Sprague and Jeff Salisbury both got out in Huntington and reported Spring Peepers, Spotted

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Snakes and Dead Creek Day

Herpers, this is the time of year to find snakes on the roads when you are out walking, biking, or driving (slowly).  Snakes are now mowing from foraging areas to denning areas on warm sunny fall days and that means

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Northern Leopard Frog-pocalypse? No, but…

Over the past week I have received many e-mails, phone calls, and reports of huge numbers of small frogs along the Otter Creek floodplains of Cornwall, Leicester, and Salisbury. Landowners report not wanting to mow their lawns; pool owners have

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