Tag: publicity

In the News: May 2020

A brief round up of this month’s news and mentions of the Atlas: May 18: “F&W: Turtles on the Roadway Need Your Help” from Saint Albans Messenger at https://www.samessenger.com/news/f-w-turtles-on-the-roadway-need-your-help/article_6f8ba722-9906-11ea-a519-13455e108690.html “When you spot a turtle in the road, you may be

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In the news: February 2020

A bit of news from February: Feb 20:  Keith Whitcomb of the Rutland Herald wrote about the Atlas and its funding drive for The Eagle Times: “Reptile and frog atlas finds funding solutions”. Available at  https://www.eagletimes.com/news/reptile-and-frog-atlas-finds-funding-solutions/article_21598288-365d-5690-a37f-17ca2bbbf5b2.html For the second year

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