Category: herping

Herp Update: Current Herp Activity – June 29, 2023

Current Herp Activity Calling amphibians Gray Treefrogs are now calling in many areas of the state.  We still need reports of this species from many higher-elevation, central Vermont, and northeastern Vermont towns.  Please do snap a photo or send us

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Herp Update: Education through Press, Current Activity, Snake Hotels — May 10, 2023

Herp Education through the Press Herpers, thanks for all the questions you e-mailed and called in for our segment on the Vermont Edition program of Vermont Public.  The producer and host were impressed with all the interest and we accomplished

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Herp Update: Current Herp Activity, Amphibians of Vermont Pocket Guide – April 7, 2023

Current Herp Activity Herpers, the photographs and records have been pouring in over the last week.  Almost all of these reports are coming from the lowlands of western Vermont (from Arlington north to Milton) with only a few reports for anywhere

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Holiday Herp Update: Current Herp Activity, Fundraiser — December 25, 2022

Current Herp Activity Herpers, hopefully the above ground herp activity has ceased until the next warm and wet spell.  Though only two days ago on December 23, herper (and birder) Sue Wetmore reported hearing a calling Northern Leopard Frog when

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Herp Update: Night Activity, Habitats+Highways Award, Kickstarter continues — November 29, 2022

Recent Herp Activity Last Sunday, November 27th, with the temperature at 41 F and a steady rain since mid-afternoon, I headed out around 9 PM to check to see what amphibians had been encouraged to move at our Morgan Road

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Herp Update: Kickstarter for Field Guide, Fall migration activity—November 15, 2022

Kickstarter campaign for the first ever Field Guide to Vermont’s Amphibians Teage O’ Conner of Crow’s Path contacted us this spring asking for our collaboration in putting together a waterproof, tearproof, foldable, and super handy field guide to the amphibians

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Herp Update: Fall migration activity, successful concert, spring salamander search—November 10, 2022

Upcoming Herp Activity tomorrow night, Friday, November 11 Herpers, I know that many of you have been out during the spring on a “big night” when many amphibians are moving from overwintering habitat to breeding or foraging habitat. Awareness of

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Herp Update: Turtle activity, documentation needed —May 16, 2022

Recent Turtle Activity and Needed Photo-documentation Herpers, I am now receiving reports of Snapping Turtle and Painted Turtle females on land looking for suitable open and sunny egg-laying locations. Nest sites are often in yards, gardens, compost piles, and sometimes

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Herp Update: presentation, frog math, creative names — April 25, 2022

Upcoming Presentation I am giving a presentation on Significant Reptiles and Amphibians of Monkton (and the Monkton Underpasses) for the Monkton Conservation Commission this Wednesday, April 27th. It is a hybrid presentation, so you can attend in person or through

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Herp Update: data gaps, Hinesburg first, PARC Amphibian week — April 19, 2022

Help us fill in some data gaps for very common species Herpers, we have some embarrassing gaps in our database and maps. There is still one town in Vermont where no one has ever reported a Wood Frog. They are

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