Month: May 2020

Current Herp Activity & Videos

a note from Jim Herpers, with this warm weather American Toads, American Bullfrogs, and Gray Treefrogs are all starting to chorus. This Friday night’s rains should generate movement of all three of these frogs. It may also generate some movement

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Vernal Pool Video by K. Briggs

Kiley Briggs of the Orianne Society put together an excellent video on vernal pools.  It is roughly 30 minutes long and covers vernal pools, amphibians that use them, egg-mass ID, and a few invertebrates that use vernal pools.  It is

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Need some good questions

Note from Jim: Herpers, I will be joining Jane Lindholm on VPR’s Vermont Edition this Tuesday May 12 from 1 to 2 PM for a Vermont herp discussion.  We usually do this about once a year and it is a

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Amphibian Crossings: Chris Slesar interview

Chris K. Slesar, Environmental Resources Coordinator for the Vermont Agency of Transportation, and frequent contributor to the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas, did a Facebook Live interview about on habitat connectivity and herps. It’s watchable at [Facebook videos apparently

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to the Herpers: Spring Amphibian Update

a note from Jim Herpers, the warm weather of last weekend generated scores of reptile and amphibian reports. At our monitoring site in Lincoln (1,400 ft. in elevation in central Vermont), Wood Frog egg masses are mostly old and many

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