Our latest video: Moving Snapping Turtles We had been looking for an opportunity to show on video what we feel is the safest way to move larger Snapping Turtles. While doing a herp survey on a piece of St. Michael’s…
Our latest video: Moving Snapping Turtles We had been looking for an opportunity to show on video what we feel is the safest way to move larger Snapping Turtles. While doing a herp survey on a piece of St. Michael’s…
Patti Casey and Colin McCaffrey playing Saturday, October 1 for a fundraising concert During our fall/winter fundraising drive, singer/songwriters Patti Casey and Colin McCaffrey generously offered to perform for free to raise funds for the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas.…
Folks, the Ascutney Mountain Audubon Society has asked me to lead a reptile and amphibian field trip in Weathersfield this Saturday, July 23rd, at 1 PM. They tell me that there is still room for eight more people. If you…
New herp videos available Our Herp Atlas videographer and editor Matt Gorton has posted a couple more of our short videos on YouTube. Snake Hotels Putting out artificial cover is a time-honored method of survey and monitoring for snakes. Many…