to Herpers: outlook for migration

Herpers, today’s rains have ended here in Salisbury and it is questionable whether we will see any more showers. Still I think there will be some amphibian migration here in the Lake Champlain Basin tonight. Last night on my drive back from UVM to my home in Salisbury there were a few amphibians crossing on Pond Road in Shelburne and many along the Monkton/Bristol Road where the cedar swamp is adjacent to the road on the east side. I also received reports of a few amphibians on the move yesterday and last night in Georgia, Grand Isle, Hinesburg, and Shoreham. Despite the fact that the rains had stopped and the roads had dried up, the temperatures were still good and the ground was still wet enough for some limited migration.

I am always hoping for the perfect combination of rain and warm temps in the early evening, but some years we never get perfect conditions at convenient times of the evening for us humans. So in summary, I think there will be some limited movement again tonight here in the Champlain Basin despite less than ideal conditions and if it rains again in your area after dark, there definitely should be some migration.

The forecast for Friday still holds some promise as well.

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